domingo, 22 de noviembre de 2015

Practice: Essay

The disadvantges of taking drugs

Drugs are poisons. They damage seriously our health. Moreover, nowadays drugs are one of the most dangerous addictions. Although in many countries such as United States is legal taking them with a medic prescription for people who have mental problems such as anxiety or depression but without abuse of them, just small amounts. On the one hand is very different going out with your friends and taking a little bit of alcohol or smoking a few cigarettes. And on the other hand is different taking marihuana, cocaine and other substances. Drugs has many disadvantages for example damage our mental health and also they hurt yourself.

Mental health develops an important role in our body. If you have a good mental health you can do a lot of things and you feel happy. However, if you take drugs you will feel very nervous and they will transform your personality. You will getting angry because each time you will want more and more and also they will change your physic appearance. 

In addition you will hurt yourself. When you take them you think that your life will change, you will very happy, unstressed with more energy and even you will have your own control. But this is a lie, you will destroy your life and this one will change radically. Your drug-free friends will avoid you . They won't want to be close of you. Moreover you will waste your all money only in drugs.

To sum up, drugs are dangerous for you. You can kill yourself very slowly taking them. This problem, unfortunalety, is very serious in the whole world becuase the mayority of teenagers used them to be more mature or cool without being concern about their consequences. I don't understand why  people knowing how they are they still taking them because they make us to be unhappy.

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